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How to wear a vest

Vests are a great addition to your wardrobe, as they are versatile and can keep you warm as the weather gets colder. However, since there are many styles that come in varying lengths, choosing the right vest for your wardrobe can be difficult. Here are a few simple options that can get you started.

vestsLong Vests – These are vest styles reach up to your knees or longer. They best on fuller figures, as they skim over
the tummy, hips, and thighs. If you want to highlight your waist, or give your outfit more structure, simply add a belt. Start off safe by choosing a black vest, as it suits all skin tones and matches anything. For a night out, choose one in plaid, that will give your outfit interest. For a dual purpose vest, opt for one in a soft jersey fabric to give you warmth. {Read More} (more…)