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How to bring dry hair back to life?

The humidity, temperature and your lifestyle habits can affect the texture of your hair. If your hair feels dry and lifeless, here are some simple changes that can help to reduce dryness and improve shine.

Wash less – Washing your hair less, will help to hold naturally occurring oils on your hair. Your hairs natural oils work as a conditioner to detangle, moisten and restore shine. Look at washing your hair three times a week and wash your hair in cold water to avoid stripping natural oils from your hair.

Condition right – Buy a conditioner that is designed for dry hair and use it every time you shower. To add moisture, look at using a leave-in conditioner after you towel dry your hair to reduce frizz and the need to heat style your hair.

Dry better – Towel drying your hair and then letting it air dry is the best way to hold moisture in your hair. If you must blow dry your hair, opt for a ceramic ionic blow dryer which dries hair quicker.

Style smart – Using the right styling products will also help to increase moisture in your hair and reduce drying. Avoid products with fragrances and alcohols.

Give it a rest – Although changing your hair color every couple of month, may keep it interesting. Coloring and bleaching your hair will damage it even further.

Your diet – Foods with omega 3 oils can naturally soften hair. Look at adding foods like salmon, mackerel, and avocados to your daily diet.